Scientology 1934, Nordenholz, Preface

Additional Information

Nordenholz published 2 books dealing with "Scientology" as the "Science of Knowledge".

In the 1937 issue Nordenholz worked over the subject of Scientology again.

We intend to re-publish this book later.

Scientology is the correct translation of the German Scientologie.

About Nordenholz' Scientology

The following information was located in a book by the German Scientology critic Friedrich Wilhelm Haack "Scientology - Magie des 20. Jahrhunderts" (Scientology - magic of the 20th century), pg. 65-70:

"In 1934 Anastasius Nordenholz released his book with the question "What is Knowledge?" He was born in Buenos Aires on February 1, 1862 as the son of a German Consul. Nordenholz was a farmer, and a doctor of law and philosophy.

On August 17, 1934, Nordenholz submitted his book to be published under contract to the Publishing House of Ernst Reinhardt.

The number of copies was fixed at 600".

Nordenholz' relatives stated: "It is rather impossible that my grandfather knew Mr. Hubbard, or that he even had contact with him by letter. At the end of the 40's, my grandfather lived in seclusion at his country residence near Rosario and had little contact with the outside world".

Former Publications

In 1968 McPheeters translated the 1934 version of Nordenholz.

The Council for Spiritual Integrity reprinted and released a facsimile edition of both, the German original and the English translation. It was promoted in "Free Spirit". This is what they wrote as a preface:

Introduction to the Facsimile Edition

The reproductive quality of this facsimile copy of this book leaves much to be desired. The editors apologize for this, and hope the reader will understand that this is, to our knowledge, the only currently available rendition of this very rare book and its translation. Even so, this copy is a valuable document and brings to light some important issues regarding the originality of subsequent works by L. Ron Hubbard. Certainly, the creation of the very name "Scientology" is now seen in a new light. ("Scientologie" is the German rendering of that word, and in fact in Europe the present day institution is promoted as "Scientologie.") The motto, "science of knowing how to know" is obviously extracted from the very subtitle of Nordenholz's book.

There are powerful interests that are much embarrassed by the existence of the book which you now hold in your hands. Every conceivable effort has been made to suppress it. We would advise you to treat this copy accordingly. Some individuals will be enraged by its very presence and feel justified in an effort to destroy it; some will be devastated by the shaking of their stable data. But there are those who will find it an interesting addition to this life's experience, and though adjusting their perspective, will not let it invalidate the worth of what they have already learned at great cost.


Publisher's blurb of the 1937 issue

A. Nordenholz:
"Scientologie: System des Wissens und der Wissenschaft."
Neudruck München 1937.
Hergestellt bei Stückrath & Co, Berlin Spandau.
Copyright by Dr. A. Nordenholz.
Las Rosas, Santa Fé, Argentinien.
139 Seiten.

A citizen of two worlds Argentine and Germany, the author deeply roots in both countries. A farmer and a scientist, he unites a practical sense with a love for knowledge. Throughout his life his studies not only comprise law, but political economy, biology as well as philosophy. A descendant of a Bremen family he was born in Buenos-Aires in 1862 as son of the German Consul there. He went to school in Berlin visiting the so-called "gymnasium" then studied law at various German universities. He took his degree as "Doctor of Law" and became, as a referendary and assessor well acquainted with the theory and practice of our administration of law. An ardent wish to extend his knowledge turned his interests to economical and social questions. After years of profound studies he published his first book "Allgemeine Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Produktion" (1902, Beck, München, X und 292 SS.) introducing it with a quotation from Schopenhauer.

Already in the early days of his career he was convinced of the idea - meanwhile universally acknowledged - that it is necessary to protect the best and most valuable human specimens in their struggle for life by "race-betterment". In 1904 he founded together with the physician and Dr. phil. "honoris causa" Alfred Ploetz (born 1860) the highly estimated and still existing periodical "Archiv für Rassen und Gesellschaftsbiologie" wherein he published articles of his own. Dr. Ploetz was the one who first introduced the term "race-betterment" into science.

After acquainting himself with the theories of Spencer and Darwin concerning evolution and selection, Nordenholz, having meanwhile returned to Argentine and living there as an Estanciero, combined their thoughts with those of Kant and Schopenhauer. He who really wants to know must hold in mind how far human knowledge is able to pierce the mysteries and darkness of prime being "das Ursein". Already the book "Welt als Indivituation" with the motto "Herr mach' uns frei" was dedicated to the question of criticism of understanding (1927, Felix Meiner, Leipzig, VIII und 121 S.) Then he founded the new branch of scientific research, the Scientology", the science of knowledge, which he calls the key to the whole system of human understanding. This theory is delineated in the present reprint of the "Scientology" (112 pages), first published in 1934, Reinhardt, München. In its clear language and lively argumentation this work will highly interest every scrutinizing reader, because we find in it a struggle for knowledge which touches the spiritual responsibility of every one of us.

For it is mankind who on their way of understanding gives form to the essence, individuate it, that means pressing it into individual structure, according to the fact, that being becomes knowledge, world, only by the medium of human individuals. And they for their part are under the law of ascending and descending development, which depends on personal disposition, nobility of race and social structure. Meeting the peril of historic-biological relativism and skepticism, which is involved in this method, Nordenholz sets up absolute norms, resulting from our attitude towards the prime being. Well balanced connection of many-sided views are the charm and value of the book. The individual as well as the groups - however different from each other - have the duty to put themselves in freedom under the influence of the Absolute. They have a rights only as they answer to this duty. All duty and all rights has its roots in the Absolute.!


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