Dr. Anastasius Nordenholz

His Life


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Dr. Anastasius Nordenholz was born on February 1st, 1862 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He spent his early years in Argentina and came to Germany when he was 16.

He qualified for entrance to a university in Berlin and began to study law, political economics and philosophy. His studies led him from Berlin to Zurich and Jena, then on to Munich, where he remained until approx. 1905 in order to devote himself entirely to his studies as a private scholar.

Economical problems stood in the foreground of his investigations. In 1904, his publication of political economics entitled "Allgemeine Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Produktion" (General Theory of the Production in Society) was published. In his philosophical thinking he was linked with Schopenhauer and examined Kant's criticism. He focused his thoughts and examinations on the science of human thinking and knowledge.

In 1927 his book "Welt als Individuation - Entwurf eines Individuationismus" (World as Individuation - Concept of an Individuationism) followed. A supplement of the Publishing House Felix Meiner in Leipzig added at that time: "The author wants to unify the two big tendencies of European Spirituality, namely Kant's criticism and Darwin's selectionism. He tries to place the means of thinking of both directions in a neutral conceptional system and therewith tries to obtain a starting point in order to actually establish a critical statement regarding our conceptual thinking. The new unification is called individuationism. Hence a methodology of thinking of the world is signified which is based on the assumption of a world creative role of individuation. Within individuation, the inner circle of the consciousness and the outer circle of the senses have one and the same denominator. Perhaps we find here the decisive word for a solution to the rational-irrational crisis from which our actual conceptual thinking suffers".

In 1934 his work "Scientologie - Wissenschaft von der Beschaffenheit und Tauglichkeit des Wissens" ("Scientology Science of the Constitution and Usefulness of Knowledge") was published.

After World War I, Dr. A. Nordenholz returned to his home country, Argentina. There he spent the remainder of his life in Las Rosas, Santa Fe, and went to Germany only as a visitor.

In the middle of this uncompleted scientific work, Dr. Anastasius Nordenholz died on September 21st, 1953 at the age of 91 in Santa Fe, Argentina.


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